Lieto Greens’ Municipal Election Programme 2021

Lieto Greens’ Municipal Election Programme 2021


1. A vibrant and equal municipality

Lieto must be a comfortable municipality for people of all ages. The coronavirus pandemic has placed increased strain on the basic public services of the municipality of Lieto and has caused accumulation of welfare debt. It is worthwhile to invest in Preventive services and e.g., low-threshold mental healthservices. Attention must be paid to the adequacy of the family care benefit and that the eligibility criteria are up-to-date.

Every resident of Lieto must be ensured the use of the municipality services and participation in decision-making on an equal footing, regardless of, for example, their home village, background or characteristics. Informing residents about decisions and their inclusion in the preparation of decision-making well in advance must be improved. We must commit to transparency and disclosure of interests.

2. High quality education and early childhood education

Indoor air problems in schools and kindergartens must be remedied without delay, and the health of children and staff must be a priority. New construction should favour life-cycle thinking and domestic wood materials. Group sizes must be made small enough so that municipal finances are not adjusted at the expense of the pupils’ well-being. Student care resources must be secured and attention must be paid to continuity. Cooperation between actors must be developed.

Adequate resources and well-targeted services create a safety net for young people in both exploratory youth work and leisure activities. To balance school work, every child has the right to a meaningful hobby, regardless of the family’s income level.

3. Appreciation of nature values and the environment

The corona pandemic raised the prestige of Finnish nearby nature and the environment to a new level – where we also want it to remain. Nearby forests are a source of well-being for residents and their protection is an important means of safeguarding the diversity of nature.

Climate change is also being tackled at the municipal level. That is why Lieto also needs to invest in efficient public transport, energy efficiency and responsible and ecological food. Ambitious carbon neutrality targets are an attraction for companies as well. An adequate lot supply is just one component of business friendliness.

4. Well-being from exercise and culture

Exercise and culture create well-being regardless of age. The maintenance of local sports venues and outdoor areas should be taken care of in collaboration with local associations. We will raise awareness of the recreational use of natural waters and make it more accessible.

Despite the plight of the municipal economy, a vibrant culture must also be maintained. We will invest in cultural services throughout the municipality in co-operation with residents and local associations.